Student Solution


"Education is the most powerful weapon which you can use to change the world”
– Nelson Mandela

1 University

1 Course

2 Subjects

Week 13 Discussion 1_World Civilizations and Cultures II

Week 13 Discussion 1_World Civilizations and Cultures II

Q If the lessons of Aggrey's parable had been translated into actual policy by colonial administrators, what aspects of colonial rule would have been affected and how would they have been affected? Are Aggrey's points similar different than those of Gandhi's "Indian Home Rule"? Explain your response.

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Aggrey’s Parable of the Eagle has a very clear message and that is that Africans need to realize that they are not uncivilized population which the Europeans have made them think and that whatever they are getting from Europeans whether its education or profit in trade that is the Africans own fruits of their efforts and they deserve that and that they should be not content with what they are getting rather like an eagle fly high and get what is theirs. If this lesson was actually adopted by the colonial administrators then colonization would not have even existed at the first place.